Sunday, June 10, 2007

Why Blog

Here I am in San Antonio -- late at night and still awake. I've been reading some other blogs and realized what a time consuming exercise, yet what a great way for others to see what is on my heart and mind and to respond in kind.

Let me explain who I am and then why I am doing this.

I am a pastor from Goochland, Virginia (western suburb of Richmond). I have been at my church for over four years and have grown tremendously in my walk with Jesus Christ since I started pastoring back in 1993. I have a beautiful wife that is a gracious treasure He has taught me to cherish and four wonderful children that I think teach me more than I teach them.

I am creating this blog to express my heart with regard to God's work in and through me. For it is from Him, through Him, and to Him that I exist (Romans 11:36). I wanted to name this blogsight "Repairer of the Breach" from Isaiah 58:12 which God has given to me as a promise of His work in my life as I am obedient to Him. However, "Repair the Breach" is a call to anyone who reads this to embrace the heart of God - to redeem man to himself. (plus, "repairerofthebreach" was already taken :-).

May the Lord find the words of my mouth, the text of this blog, and the meditations of my heart acceptable in His sight.


matt said...

Glad to see you blogging. Do I understand that you have 2 different blogs? This one--more personal--and another soley about the convention?

SHsage said...

We are lifting your father up in prayer. I hope that the convention is going well for you and Bill. Thanks for the newsletter!